Thursday, April 23, 2009

You got censored

Steph M on Internet censorship in Australia:
What do a dentist, an owner of a dog kennel, a school cafeteria food provider and a US astrology site have in common? They all operate websites that have all fallen victim to Australia’s new Internet censorship laws.

Australia has joined the ranks of many countries that have decided to implement mandatory Internet censorship. The only problem is, their filtering system is far from perfect, and innocent people are having their businesses blocked under the new regulations.

Rural America needs broadband

Videos of rural Southerners from different walks of life asking the government to step in and help folks get broadband.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How to write a proposal...

Much how-to info all over the Net on drafting a prospectus for business start-up or a proposal seeking grants.

Video of Izzy Awards

Video of acceptance speeches from Glenn Greenwald and Amy Goodman

Grassroots local watchdog...

...journalism projects blooming, according to Prof. Dave Westphal writing in Online Journalism Review.

One of the most successful local online nonprofit news ops is Voice of San Diego.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Saving Journalism -- Where Should $ Go?

Every week brings new proposals to save newspapers or investigative reporting. In Bailout for Media Moguls? (a critique of the recent John Nichols/Bob McChesney article in The Nation), indy media trailblazer DeeDee Halleck argues that support and subsidies need to go to independents and grassroots/local content providers, not big media corporations. Similarly, Tracy Van Slyke of The Media Consortium argues on the British Guardian website that any federal endowment for investigative journalism must include independent journalists and outlets, not just corporate media.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Six Trends in Journalism...

...especially the business of journalism, from recent State of the News Media report from the Project for Excellence in Journalism.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

5 Tips for Citizen Journalism

Interview with ProPublica's Amanda Michel, Pro Publica's editor for "distributed reporting."

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Time Warner test marketing....

caps on downloading and two-tiered pay structure. Newly-elected nearby Congressman Eric Massa vows to resist the new plan. Here he is speaking against Time Warner's plan.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Bloggers' Code of Ethics

Here it is. (H/t Chris L.)

Going Postal

Small indy mags across the spectrum joined forces to resist postal rate hikes.

Defender of Telecom Industry

Ex-senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) -- recently convicted (and un-convicted) of accepting bribes -- has always been open for business as a defender of big telecom companies. Here is his attempt to explain his vote against a Net Neutrality measure in June 2006. His explanation put to music.

Comcast, one of the big cable/Internet companies, gets caught pushing public out of public hearing. Wonder why this wasn't a story in MSM?

Digital Divide

My daughters, 12 and 17, grew up with computers in the home and fast Internet access. In inner cities and poor rural areas, such tools for learning and commerce are out of reach.

Why do other countries...

...see broadband infrastructure as a national, public good, while the U.S. leaves it to "free enterprise"? U.S. lags behind much of developed world in speed of access and costliness of access.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Entrepreneurial Journalism Course

Instructor Jeff Jarvis writing at about his City University of NY course, which offered potential $50,000 in seed money to good ideas from students. He summarizes some of the ideas (without giving them away) and draws lessons about what was learned from the course and the exercise in pitching new ideas for journalistic or information businesses.

NY Times policy...

on reporters supporting candidates -- or even allowing their spouses/kids to put bumper stickers on family car. Policy email was leaked to NY Observer. (H/t Kristin C.)

Drudge "exclusive" accuses...

...CNN reporter Michael Ware -- during a news conference of Sen. McCain and other Congressional Republicans in Iraq -- of "laughing and mocking their comments." It was based on an anonymous "official" who Drudge quoted as saying: "I've never witnessed such disrespect." The claim was picked up by rightwing blogs who claimed Ware had "heckled" McCain. This videotape of the McCain-led news conference -- obtained by indy outlet Raw Story -- shows Ware sitting in the back, not saying anything.

Lib blogs ignored dishonest Obama campaign ads

Obama ad (seems to be diseappeared from Net) in Spanish aimed at Latinos smearing McCain by linking him to Limbaugh comments he had nothing to do with.

"They want us to forget the insults we've put up with, the intolerance," in Spanish as a picture of Rush Limbaugh appears onscreen with quotes of him saying, "Mexicans are stupid and unqualified" and "Shut your mouth or get out." "They made us feel marginalized in a country we love so much," the ad continues. "John McCain and his Republican friends have two faces. One that says lies just to get our vote and another, even worse, that continues the failed policies of George Bush..."

Become a YouTube Star...

and appear in a hugely popular music video with Weezer or the earlier one from Barenaked Ladies.

Monday, April 6, 2009

New Texas Shield Law...

...protects journalists but only those who practice journalism "for a substantial portion of the person's livelihood or for substantial financial gain." (H/t Margaret M.) This would exclude even Josh Marshall in his first couple years of blogging -- because he was bringing in virtually no money from it. The blogger who wrote this up did some good reporting on the question, interviewed a legislative office. . .but he would not be protected under the law.

"Get off the Bus"

Amanda Michel's recent piece on "the future of pro-am journalism" in Columbia Journalism Review

"Mr. President, what do you think...

...of that hatchet job...?" asks un-identified "citizen-journalist" from Huffington OfftheBus, and here's one of the most colorful responses ever from a politician (Bill Clinton).

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Why the hell... "Where the hell is Matt?" so successful? (H/t Julia.)

This makes $ on You Tube?!

What the Buck? Indeed. He claims to be earning over $100k annually from YouTube videos.

This is another huge production from Lisa Donovan, "LisaNova." Huge numbers of views. Here's the McCain/Palin rap.

Cory Williams hit bigtime with "Mean Kitty Song" (19 million views) and to be earning $120k per year.

Movie Straight to ITunes

Producer of Purple Violets claims that straight to ITunes (no theatrical release) of his indy movie was a financial success.